Cultural Committee

Cultural Committee : IIM Amritsar believes in the all-round development of students' personalities as the ultimate goal of education. It aims to provide rich cultural experiences that help students appreciate the multi-cultural diversity of our society. The Cultural Committee at IIM Amritsar is the heartbeat of campus life, fostering creativity and camaraderie while also being responsible for the buzz factor during the students' college life. The committee takes care of the social and cultural aspects of life at the institute, ensuring that students have an equal share of fun and entertainment alongside their academic pursuits. It is driven by a team of motivated individuals who provide students with a vibrant platform to explore their passions and showcase their talents.

The Three Cultural Activity Groups (CAGs) —

  • 3 AM - The Dance Club
  • Kathan - The Drama Group
  • Riyaz - The Music Group

Each add their unique energy and creativity to the cultural fabric of the campus. With a dedicated and dynamic team, the committee organizes events that infuse life into the campus, from grand festivals to intimate gatherings, capturing the vibrant persona of the students.The Cultural Committee works tirelessly throughout the year to organize activities that keep the spirits alive on campus, ensuring every event becomes a cherished memory for students. It takes immense effort and planning to execute events on such a scale, and IIM Amritsar is proud to have a strong and committed team with a multitude of skills to make it all happen.

Senior Cultural Committee

Krishna Jaiswal


Aryan Kumar


Jayant Bandil


Ishika Zarbade


Yash Poddar