Profile Details


Ravi Khadotra

Assistant Professor

Finance and Control

Professional Summary

Dr. Ravi Khadotra is an Assistant Professor in the area of Finance, Accounting, and Control at the Indian Institute of Management Amritsar. He has completed his PhD in Finance and Accounting area from the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow under the guidance of Prof. Madhusudan Karmakar.

Contact Information


Dr. Ravi Khadotra is an Assistant Professor in the area of Finance, Accounting, and Control at the Indian Institute of Management Amritsar. He has completed his PhD in Finance and Accounting area from the Indian Institute of Management Lucknow under the guidance of Prof. Madhusudan Karmakar. The broad area of his research is in the Liquidity-adjusted value-at-risk models. His doctoral thesis was titled ‘Liquidity-Adjusted VaR Modeling and Risk Management’. He has published in peer-reviewed journals and also presented his work at conferences. His research interest lies in Volatility Modeling, Portfolio Optimization, Market Liquidity and Value at Risk.