Kalpit Sharma is an Assistant Professor in the IT and Computational Systems area at the Indian Institute of Management Amritsar (IIM Amritsar). He has pursued his doctoral studies in Information Technology and Systems at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Lucknow.
Kalpit has published articles in internationally reputed journals such as Information Systems Frontiers, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, and conferences, namely the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Pre-International Conference On Information Systems (ICIS) workshops, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) conference, PAN-IIM World Conference, Society of Operations Management (SOM) Conference, and Indian Academy of Management (INDAM) conference. His research interests include cyber-risk issues in information systems, the economics of cybersecurity, IT governance, and crowd-based digital business models. He also uses data mining, text mining, and machine learning methods extensively in his research. For more information on his research, please visit: www.kalpits.com
- Antecedents and consequents of platform engagement in vulnerability discovery platforms
- Cross-industry cyber-risk assessment and mitigation of DDoS attacks
Secondary Interests